Hongrie Herding seminar


fejkep3 Un séminaire de conduite de troupeau pour les races bergères hongroises aura lieu à Ópusztaszer Emlékpark (Hongrie) le vendredi 17 mai 2013, dans le cadre de la semaine Pumi comprenant le Championnat du Monde à Budapest.
Vous trouverez un bulletin d'inscription en anglais dans l'annexe. Il est à renvoyer par email à : rasztariduci@freemail.hu
Attention, le nombre maximum de participants est de 15! Inscrivez-vous rapidement! ;-) Herding Seminar
Ópusztaszer, May 17, 2012

  • Participant with meal, includes:
    • Visit to the Feszty Cyclorama, park, and the outdoor museum
    • Lunch: one-dish meal
    • During the official program scones, coffe and mineral water available
    • Price: 6,500 HUF/person (24.00 EUR)
  • Companion, with meal, includes:
    • Visit to the Feszty Rotunda, park, and the outdoor museum
    • Lunch: one-dish meal
    • During the official program scones, coffe and mineral water available
    • Price: 5,500 HUF/person (20.00 EUR)
  • Participant without meal, includes:
    • Visit to the Feszty Cyclorama, park, and the outdoor museum
    • Price: 3,500 HUF/person (13.00 EUR)
  • Companion without meal, includes:
    • Visit to the Feszty Cyclorama, park, and the outdoor museum
    • Price: 2,500 HUF /person (9.00 EUR)
  • Fee for herding instruction, includes:
    • Theoretical and practical instruction
    • Price: 10,000 HUF/dog (EUR 36.00)
Maximum number of participating dogs is 15, according to the order of enrollment!

Auditing the seminar without a dog is free. Payment is required only for the services requested (as listed above) as indicated on the application form.